Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Fancy Sandwiches, part 1

Having a sandwich for lunch is wonderful.  It is simple and quick and can even be healthy.  But with only one person eating meat and cheese, I have the same meat and cheese all week.  So if I got roast beef and cheddar at the store the previous weekend, I eat that for lunch most days of the week.  But that can get boring very quickly.  So how can you change a boring sandwich into an exciting one?  Go fancy!

Find a different meat or cheese:
In addition to switching up the normal meats and cheese, you can find less normal toppings.  For example, at the grocery store I found small strips of chicken already cooked.  (They were called "short cuts" or something like that.)  They came in different seasoning, but I just got the plain ones.

Add seasonings:
Also, you can add your own seasonings to a sandwich.  Who said you could only add spices to elaborate dishes?  Not me!

My sandwich: toasted Oatnut bread, chicken strips, shredded cheddar cheese, basil, and garlic
Even though I'm home for the summer, I decided to make something simple that I could eat in my dorm room.  And since I couldn't find some of the spices at home, I dug through my college things and found my box of spices.

Assemble cheese and chicken, then sprinkle with spices.

Microwave until cheese is melted.


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